
Friday, 23 August 2013

What’s the Difference Between a Cable Modem and Router?

What’s the Difference Between a Cable

Modem and Router?

Many High Speed Internet Service Providers (ISPs) boast about the numerous benefits of their service compared to dial-up. But rarely will they mention any of the potential consequences or dangers that come along with cable modems. This article will explain to you how a device called a ‘router’ (rhymes with ‘shouter’) can help keep your computer and its data safe from the Internet. Let’s discuss the differences between a cable modem and router.

Cable modems are wonderful devices. Once you’ve owned and installed a cable modem, you probably wondered how you ever lived without one. Your cable modem connects your computer to the digital world outside your home/office to the Internet. Your cable modem is always on and is ready whenever you are. But without proper protection, you can easily become infected with viruses, worms and spyware that can easily access and manipulate your computer! In fact, your computer could be invaded or infected without you ever realizing it. Knowing the difference between a modem and router is important.

What does a modem and router do?
A router serves three purposes:
Deters worms and hackers
Enables sharing your High Speed Internet to numerous computers throughout your home/office
Enables the ability to share the data and printers on all of your computers

A modem is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information.
A common misconception is that if you only have one computer, you don’t need a router. While you may not have a need for sharing your Internet connection, data or printers, a router provides security.
All routers act as hardware firewalls. Some routers have more intelligent firewalls than others, but any router is better than none. Windows XP/Vista has a built-in firewall as do many Internet security software packages. However, all software is prone to being manipulated, disabled or otherwise damaged. Many viruses are specifically designed to do just that. Once your firewall is down, your computer will become extremely vulnerable to all sorts of Internet baddies.
Spam email messages, identity theft and the further spreading of Internet worms and viruses are jobs most commonly done by infected computers whose owners don’t have a clue anything is wrong. Infected computers are referred to as “zombies.”
Avoid Becoming a Zombie
A router can often times look very similar to a cable modem. Both are small plastic boxes with lots of blinking lights. They can look very complex and intimidating, but in reality they are extremely easy to install and use. So easy, in fact, you might forget you have one.
Note: Most cable modems do not come with routers, while DSL modems usually have routers already built-in.
To determine if you are currently being protected with a router, simply follow these easy steps:
Click Start in the lower left corner of your computer.
Click Run.
Type CMD and click OK.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
You should see a prompt like “C:>Documents and Settings\User>”
Pay particular attention to your IP Address. If your IP Address starts with 192.168.xx.xx or if your IP Address starts with 10.0.0.xx then you generally are being protected by a router.
If your IP Address contains numbers other than those, it is highly recommended that you purchase and install a router immediately.
Type EXIT and press the Enter key on your keyboard to close this window.
From the net

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